Sunday, March 27, 2011

Pictures of bedroom and living room

Here they are! Pictures of our future foster to adopt child/children's room and some of our living room (with our new couch and chair)! The bedroom was pink and purple when we moved in we repainted it blue and brown a few months ago and the room theme is beach/surfing. There are a few pink and purple things left in the room the light and a rug if we get placed with boys those will be replaced with blue and white ones. Also there are Hannah Montana stickers and they will be taken down if we get placed with boy. Let us know what you think!
 Bedroom door
 Entrance to the room (the curtain will also be replaced if we get boys)

 art work
 cubical storage :) its all quiet stuff to do
 bunk beds with surfer stickers
 more storage and drawers and those are gloe bears

 new couch and chair
 living room
that's the other side of our living room

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