Wednesday, March 30, 2011

First homestudy!

We had our first home study last night! It went really good our social worker is very nice. She asked us a few questions and went over her check list to look at stuff like our birth certificates and proof of insurance and so on. Then she looked around our house a little bit. The only thing we have to do to our house is to take some brackets down in the bathroom that are for a towel bar that fell down so we either have to take the brackets down or put the bar back up. We also have to take our classes probably in early May and we have a few hours that we have to read a book about children in foster care, do a program on the Internet about it or watch a video. And we have to get finger printed. We also have another 2-3 home studies and now we are excited for them :). Home studies and the process of foster to adopt it different in every state. If you have already been through the home study and so on what was it like in your state?

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