Sunday, June 5, 2011

Its been awhile..

So it has been awhile since we did an update. We are now done with everything we are just waiting for our final home study where we will be licensed :). We have been very busy lately most of our weekends are packed with things to do. This weekend we got to spend some time with my brother and my adorable niece Lily she is getting so big. She will be 1 in the beginning of July time just goes by way to fast. We have been doing the last touches on our house to be ready for our placement and we have been cleaning up the yard and out side around the house. We even planted some flowers :) and my mom helped :-D. We are so excited about becoming a waiting family! Well I need to head back out side and help Jon finish picking up sticks and weeds here are some cute pictures that i took of my niece today!

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