Monday, June 20, 2011

we will try to update this at least once a week!

Sorry we have not been updating as much as we want to! We have been busy though it is summer and that means i have my two little buddies Madison and Dexter during the day :) but Madison will be going to summer school so I guess I will only have her half the day lol. This week Madelynn is visiting us :-D she has gotten soo much bigger since the last time we saw her. We will be having her brother Braxton for a few days some time soon. Seeing how much they have grown just shows how fast time goes by. We took Madelynn to do some really fun things this weekend and I have some really cute picture that I will get around to posting some time today or tomorrow. Yesterday was fathers day happy fathers day to any fathers out there!
         We have our final home-study soon and we are very excited about that we can not wait to be a waiting family. We have decided to make new photo books since we now have to have two in case we get a sibling set because each child needs one to look at. So we are just going to do two smaller books and have decided to just do pictures of Jon and I, our dogs, a few pictures of our house, the elementary school, early learning center, and the two parks by our house. They look at the books before they meet us and then when we go to meet them we will bring the big book along so we can look at it together and they can see pictures of our family and friends and so on. So we are going to work on and finish the new books this week and then i will post pictures of them.
        June 7th was our 3 year anniversary :) it is crazy to think that we have been married that long. We just had our parents over for dinner and then Jon took off work the next day and we went out to eat and saw a movie it was fun :).
       Well I am off to do some more laundry and see what the kids are up to and try to find something for us to do today since it has been raining on and off..... maybe the art center or something.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Cleaning closets!

So today I am cleaning out the closet in our future child/children's room have some stuff for the big garage sale we have at my parents house every year and some stuff that needs to get put into totes. We also have stuff that we bought to repair for our placement and that stuff will be put in there on the shelves. Its getting closer and we just want to be all ready :-D. Well back to cleaning at least its a good day to clean its nasty and raining out side! Hope every one is having a good day!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Its been awhile..

So it has been awhile since we did an update. We are now done with everything we are just waiting for our final home study where we will be licensed :). We have been very busy lately most of our weekends are packed with things to do. This weekend we got to spend some time with my brother and my adorable niece Lily she is getting so big. She will be 1 in the beginning of July time just goes by way to fast. We have been doing the last touches on our house to be ready for our placement and we have been cleaning up the yard and out side around the house. We even planted some flowers :) and my mom helped :-D. We are so excited about becoming a waiting family! Well I need to head back out side and help Jon finish picking up sticks and weeds here are some cute pictures that i took of my niece today!