Friday, May 13, 2011


Today we had our first training class! It went really good :). There were a few speakers and we watched a few movies. We came up here tonight and are staying in a hotel. Our second class is tomorrow they are each 8 hours long. There are only 5 other couples in our class and everyone is very nice. After class we went to the mall in Appleton and then went out to eat. We are off to bed now we have to get up bright and early for class tomorrow :). Here are a few pictures we took. We will add more tomorrow! Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Home Visit update

This past weeek, we have had our social worker come out and ask us more questions about why we want to adopt, what we do for fun, how we get along with other people, what our families think of our adoption, etc.  In the next 1-2 weeks, we plan to go and do our two, 8 hour classes in Neenah, WI.  I hope that these classes go good and that we can get our Foster care license soon because I'm starting to get anxious.

Look for more updates from us in the next week or two and wish us luck in our classes.