Friday, April 29, 2011


Sorry we have not updated in awhile... Jon had his interview and it went really good I will have him post about his some time this week. I also had mine it was on Monday and it went really well too. I was just asked questions about my childhood and family like where i grew up and where I went to school and so on. Also what my hobbies are. I also had my physical Jon needs to have his done yet and we both need to get TB tests and finger printed. Our first training class is on May 14th and then we will have one more the following Saturday. After that we will meet with our CW one more time and we will then be a waiting family yay!!!
We spent last weekend in Door County and it was a lot of fun :) and on Saturday we went to my parents house for Easter and got to spend time with a lot of family :) :). I will post some pictures from the weekend when I'm done with this post. We also added a few things to child's bedroom I will try to get some pictures of that later this week and post it. And we got some wooden puzzles (we have decided to get rid of cardboard children's puzzles we have) the puzzles we got are soo cool one you fish for the pieces and another one talks. We also got some more books :). We are going to be buying a sand table because we have purple sand in a small pool for the kids I baby sit to play with but it takes up a lot of room so we were going to get rid of the sand but decided we would buy one of those sand tables that are off the ground and have a cover for our foster to adopt child (madison and dex and any other kids who come to play can play in it too :D) instead of getting rid of it that way it would give Jon another way to bond with the child because from the books we read it can be harder for the father to bond then the mother. So we are taking ideas from the books and research on the net for ways that Jon can bond quicker :). Legos and fun things to play with them are good ways to bond so we figure the sand will be a good bonding tool they can build castles and what ever the child can imagine to build in the sand. I am trying to think if there is anything else.... well if I think of anything else I will do another update later. Watch for Jon's post he will probably post tonight or tomorrow. Hope everyone had a great Easter weekend!!! We did but we missed all of our family from out of state :( we love all of you guys too!

                                                one of our God Daughters (Madison 7yo)
                                                   My cousin's son Isaac :) he is 3yo(almost 4)
                                                   Easter egg hunt at my parents house
                                                       What did you get???????
                                                           Mmmmm chocolate!

                                                        My mom and her sisters (my aunties)
                                                        Madison and one of her prizes
                                  Madison in Door County dyeing Easter eggs with Jon's mom :)
                                                            She beat us in Mexican Train!
                                            Madison and her Jon Jon playing with the itouch :)
                          Maddie and the Easter Bunny at one of the Easter egg hunts in Door County
                                                            All of the eggs she collected!!
                                                  Madison and our Siberian Husky Akira!                
Maddie with her face painted like a bunny :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Home Visit & Training

We are awaiting Jon's interview with our social worker next Friday morning and the 2nd of 3 home visits.  We are excited to continue our home visits and hopefully, we will be able to complete our training classes by the end of May if not before.  We also have to do an additional 8 hrs of learning about different social issues, how to handle diffferent situations, etc & write a brief 2-3 sentence paragraph about what we learned that we didn't already know.  We can do this by reading, watching videos, volunteering, etc.  We did receive a recommendation from our worker to do 4 hours of video or reading, but use the other 4 hours to learn about the potential childs issues and understand how to work with them, which I feel is a great idea!

We are happy to know that when we cleaned our house and showed it to our social worker, she was happy with it.  We do need to put some things out of a childs reach and purchase a couple more door locks, but aside from that, our house is looking good.  Oh, and with this new law in Wisconsin, about the carbon monixide detector, we are unsure if we need one for the upstairs & downstairs, but we will find out soon enough and get a 2nd one if we need to.